Tenured Professors’ Installation Lectures
Aalto University celebrates tenured professors with popular lectures by the new tenure track professors of Associate or Full level.
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All lectures will be held in English and are open for everyone: professors, students, faculty, staff, and the public.
The multidisciplinary lectures will be followed by a reception hosted by Tuula Teeri, the President of Aalto University.
Lecturers and topics:
"People management in multinational corporations"
Ingmar Björkman
Department of Management, School of Business
"Designing and engineering cellular production systems"
Alexander Frey
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, School of Chemical Engineering
"Augmented radio environments"
Katsuyuki Haneda
Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, School of Electrical Engineering
"CoDesign in the era of user participation"
Sampsa Hyysalo
Department of Design, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
"Robots and intelligence"
Ville Kyrki
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, School of Electrical Engineering
"Digital tools in learning: the past and the future"
Teemu Leinonen
Department of Media, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
"Co-creative practices in service design"
Tuuli Mattelmäki
Department of Design, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
"Matter that matters: creativity and materiality"
Maarit Mäkelä
Department of Design, School of Arts, Design and Architecture
"Optimizing human-computer interaction"
Antti Oulasvirta
Department of Communications and Networking, School of Electrical Engineering
"Transformation toward service-centric value creation in technology industries"
Risto Rajala
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, School of Science
"Cost-efficient photovoltaic devices using nanotechnology"
Hele Savin
Department of Electronics and Nanoengineering, School of Electrical Engineering
"The science of software and system design"
Stavros Tripakis
Department of Computer Science, School of Science
"Miniature robotics: physics meets automation"
Quan Zhou
Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, School of Electrical Engineering
Programme (pdf)
Further information
Producer Minna Pajari
Communications, Events
Ingmar Björkman was born in Finland in 1959 but grew up in Norway. He obtained his doctorate from Hanken School of Economics in 1989.
Björkman is Professor of International Business and since 2012 Dean of Aalto University School of Business. Previously he has been Professor, Head of Department and Vice Rector of Research at Hanken. He has held visiting professorships at Hong Kong University, ESSEC (Paris), INSEAD (Fontainebleau & Singapore) and several long-term visiting positions at SCANCOR (Stanford University). He has taught at a number of business schools in Europe and Asia and has received teaching awards at Hanken, INSEAD and Fudan.
Professor Björkman’s research interests focus on people management issues in an international context. His work has been published in leading journals within international business and management. His latest book is Global Challenge: International Human Resource Management (2017, third edition), co-authored with Vladimir Pucik (CEIBS), Paul Evans (INSEAD) and Shad Morris (Brigham Young University). Previously, he co-edited The Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management (2012, second edition) with Günter Stahl (WU) and Shad Morris (Brigham Young University).
Björkman is a winner of the Journal of International Business Studies Decade Award (together with Dana Minbaeva, Torben Pedersen, Carl Fey, and H-J. Park).
Ingmar Björkman, D.Sc. (Econ.), has been appointed Professor of international business at the Aalto University School of Business on 25 January 2016.
Alexander Frey (born 1974, Switzerland) received his D. Sc. from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) in the field of Biotechnology in 2002. After a post-doctoral position at the University of Zürich at the Institute of Medical Virology he returned to ETHZ, where he started to develop his research interest in engineering of cellular production systems.
Since joining Aalto University as Associate Professor in 2012, Professor Frey has been responsible for the research in molecular biotechnology. His research focuses on the development of cellular systems for production of high value compounds. In addition, his research group is developing novel approaches for biosynthesis of biologically active oligosaccharides. He has authored many articles in the leading journals of the field and his most cited article received more than 100 citations. In addition, his research has led to several patent applications.
Professor Frey is responsible for the Major in Biosystems and Biomaterials Engineering and is very active in teaching.
Alexander Frey, D.Sc., has been appointed Professor of molecular biotechnology at the Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering on 13 October 2016.
Katsuyuki Haneda (born 1979, Japan) obtained his D.Eng. (International Development Engineering) from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan in 2007. Since then, he has worked at Aalto University as a post-doctoral researcher and an Assistant Professor.
Doctor Haneda is the recipient of the best paper awards in two prestigious international conferences, i.e., in the IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2013-Spring), Dresden, Germany, and the 7th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP2013), Gothenburg, Sweden. He also received a best tutorial paper award in the IEICE Transactions on Communications in 2015.
Doctor Haneda has been serving as an editor of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, and Transactions on Wireless Communications. He is currently serving as a co-chair of a working group in European COST Action CA15104 “Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and beyond”. His current research activities include emulation of arbitrary radio environments in a laboratory, high-frequency radios such as millimeter-wave and beyond, wireless for medical, post-disaster scenarios and internet-of-things.
Katsuyuki Haneda, D.Eng., has been appointed Professor of electrical engineering at the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering on 19 December 2016.
Sampsa Hyysalo (born 1974, Finland) received his Ph.D. in the Faculty of Behavioral Sciences in University of Helsinki in 2004. Before joining Aalto Arts, Department of Design 2011 as associate professor, he worked as Fellow of the Collegium of Advanced Studies, University of Helsinki 2005–2010, Professor of Work Informatics in University of Turku 2008–2009 and Senior Researcher at Aalto Business School 2011–2014. He has held long term visiting positions at University of Edinburgh, University of California San Diego, University of Trento, Aalborg University, University of Sussex and National Consumer Research Centre of Finland.
Sampsa Hyysalo’s research interest is in the roles users play in technological change, design in particular. This includes research on co-design, innovation by users, user communities, adaption of technology, design and use practices, innovation processes, and sustainability transitions. He has published over 70 articles and book chapters, and authored several books. Professor Hyysalo has led a multidisciplinary users and innovation research group in Aalto since 2011 and acted as the chief editor of Science & Technology Studies journal 2007–2016.
His latest book The new production of users: Changing innovation communities and involvement strategies (with Elgaard Jensen and Oudshoorn, Routledge, 2016) won EASST Freeman Price 2016, and he was awarded the Academy of Finland 2010 price for social impact of research.
Sampsa Hyysalo, Ph.D., has been appointed Professor of co-design at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture on 12 January 2016.
Ville Kyrki (born 1976, Finland) received his D.Sc. (Tech.) degree in computer science from
Lappeenranta University of Technology in 2002. After his doctoral degree, he spent a year as a
visiting researcher at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan in Sweden. In his research, Professor Kyrki
focuses on intelligent robotic systems with emphasis on developing methods and systems that cope with imperfect knowledge and uncertain senses.
Since joining Aalto University in 2012, Professor Kyrki has been responsible for education and
research in robotics. He leads the Intelligent Robotics group and is responsible for the Control,
Robotics and Autonomous Systems M.Sc. major and SpaceMaster Erasmus Mundus joint Programme.
Professor Kyrki has authored more than 100 scientific articles. He is an Associate Editor for IEEE
Transactions on Robotics and the founding chair of IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control Systems, Robotics & Automation and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Societies. Professor Kyrki is also active in policy advice, having recently advised the Prime Minister’s Office and Ministries of Defense, Labor and the Economy, and Traffic and Communication.
Ville Kyrki, D.Sc. (Tech.), has been appointed Professor of intelligent mobile machines and energy systems at the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering on 21 November 2016.
Teemu Leinonen (born 1969, Finland) finished his Doctor of Arts (New Media) degree in 2010. Leinonen has been a visiting researcher at the SRI International in California and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) in South Africa. Furthermore he has been a visiting professor at the National University of Colombia in Bogota. Leinonen has been the principle investigator in three EU FP research projects and in five other major research project funded by Tekes, UNESCO, Nordic Council of Ministers and Nokia.
Associate Professor Leinonen’s area of expertise is technology enhanced learning and new media design; especially related to applications, solutions and services of (and for) e-learning, collaborative learning, collaborative group work, creative work and art and design practices. He has published over 35 peer-reviewed scientific articles, over 40 non-refereed articles, 2 books and over 20 published software prototypes, web services and applications.
In 1997 Leinonen was the recipient of the Innovative Education Application Award of the TeleCom Finland and 1999 he and his team, together with a researcher team from the University of Helsinki, were awarded the Education Technology Award of the University of Helsinki. In 2012 his research group was awarded the Apps4Learnig Award of the Interactive Technology in Education Conference for the best educational application.
Teemu Leinonen, D.A., has been appointed Professor of new media design and learning at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture on 11 January 2017.
Tuuli Mattelmäki (born 1965, Finland) received her Doctor of Arts degree in design from University of Art and Design Helsinki in 2007. Mattelmäki’s expertise covers human-centred and collaborative design. During the recent years, her research interests and teaching activities have focused on service related topics and included public service development projects.
She is the leader of Encore research group, that focuses on topics from experience-driven design to collaborative and public services and service networks. At present Mattelmäki is the head of Collaborative and Industrial Design MA programme and vice head of the Department of Design since 2015. Internationally, she has been Visiting Researcher at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation’s Center for Codesign research in Copenhagen (2013 and 2016) and at Politecnico di Milano’s Design service systems research team (2012).
Doctor Mattelmäki has authored and co-authored about 80 articles and book chapters and served in various academic boards over the years. 2008 she was awarded the Industrial designer of the year award by the association of Industrial designers in Finland to highlight her work in design research.
Tuuli Mattelmäki, D.A., has been appointed Professor of design, especially product and service systems at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture on 19 December 2016.
Maarit Mäkelä (born 1961, Finland) received her D.A. from University of Art and Design Helsinki in 2003. The study was a practice-led research, where visual representations of femininity were produced during the research by artist-researcher herself. She is interested in creative processes that have strong material basis, and especially how documentation and reflection can act as a method for catching insights from the process.
During the years 2009–2012 she worked as a coordinator of the Design Connections Doctoral Programme and since 2011 she has led the EMPIRICA research group. Since 2012 Mäkelä has worked as an Associate Professor of Design at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Year 2015 she spent as a visiting professor in AUT University, New Zealand.
Mäkelä is initiator of The Art of Research conference. She has published widely in international journals and is one of the initiators of Finland based Journal RUUKKU Studies of Artistic Research. Her creative practice is located in the context of contemporary ceramics. She has had several solo exhibitions and has taken part in frequent joint exhibitions in Finland and abroad e.g. in New Zealand, USA and China.
Maarit Mäkelä, D.A., has been appointed Professor of design, especially practice-led design research at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture on 19 December 2016.
Antti Oulasvirta (born 1979, Finland) received his Ph.D. degree in cognitive science from the University of Helsinki in 2006. After obtaining his doctoral degree, Oulasvirta was awarded the Fulbright Technology Industries Finland grant for young postdoctoral scholar to visit UC Berkeley School of Information. Between 2008 and 2011 he co-led a research group on ubiquitous technologies at the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT. During 2011–2014 he established and led a research group on computational approaches to interaction design at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany.
Since joining the faculty of Aalto University in 2014, Professor Oulasvirta has been responsible for the education and research in computational human-computer interaction. Professor Oulasvirta is responsible for the MSc-level Interactive Technologies track, which is part of the CCIS computer science program.
Oulasvirta was awarded the ERC Starting Grant (2015–2020) for research on computational design of user interfaces. Doctor Oulasvirta serves as an associate editor for International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, a column editor for IEEE Computer, and he frequently participates in the paper committees of HCI conferences, including the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI). His work has been awarded the Best Paper Award and Best Paper Honorable Mention at CHI eight times between 2008 and 2016. He has held keynote talks on computational user interface design in NordiCHI in 2014, CoDIT in 2014, and EICS in 2016.
Antti Oulasvirta, Ph.D., has been appointed Professor of electrical engineering at the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering on 22 August 2016.
Risto Rajala (born 1967, Finland) obtained his D.Sc. (Econ.) from the Helsinki School of Economics in 2009. He has worked as a Visiting Scholar at Copenhagen Business School (2010–2011), Visiting Scholar at Carleton University (2014), and as a Visiting Professor at Linköping University (2015). Since 2016, he holds an Adjunct Research Professor position at Carleton University.
Rajala’s research interests include digitalisation of operations and services, management of complex multi-actor systems, digital platforms for business, value creation in industrial ecosystems, technology entrepreneurship, and institutional perspective to service transformation. His work has been published widely in refereed scientific journals and academic meetings.
He has served as a board member in the European Association for Research on Services and chaired its doctoral colloquium since 2014. He is now Head of the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Aalto University.
With his colleagues, Rajala has received the best academic paper award at the R&D Management Conference, University of Cambridge (2016), a PhD thesis award by the Strategic Management Society of Finland (2010), and the Dissertation of the Year award from the Helsinki School of Economics Foundation (2009).
Risto Rajala, D.Sc. (Econ.), has been appointed Professor of service engineering and management at the Aalto University School of Science on 22 August 2016.
Hele Savin (born 1977, Finland) obtained her D.Sc. (Tech.) degree in semiconductor technology from Helsinki University of Technology in 2005. She has been visiting scientist in University of Berkeley California (2002–2003), Fraunhofer Institute of Solar Energy Systems (2009) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2013). She is currently leading Electron Physics research group with 15 researchers and hosts several visitors from foreign universities and research institutes.
Her research interests focus on nanostructured surfaces, light-induced degradation, defect engineering in semiconductors and application of atomic layer deposition for photovoltaic devices. She has authored and co-authored more than 100 articles in leading science journals including Nature Nanotechnology and Nature Photonics. Savin works closely with companies, holds several patents and has successfully transferred her research results to industrial use.
She has received the first Outstanding SiWEDS Research Award, ERC Starting Grant, World Economic Forum Young Scientist award, and European Researcher Excellence Grants among other awards. She also serves on several scientific and editorial boards.
Hele Savin, D.Sc. (Tech.), has been appointed Professor of micro- and nanoelectronics at the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering on 1 March 2016.
Stavros Tripakis (born 1970, Greece) received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at the Verimag Laboratory, Joseph Fourier University, Grenoble, France, in 1998. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Berkeley (1999–2000), a permanent Researcher at the French National Scientific Research Center (CNRS, 2001–2006), a Research Scientist at Cadence Design Systems (2006–2008), and an Associate Researcher at UC Berkeley (2009–2012). He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at UC Berkeley since 2013.
Doctor Tripakis’ research interests include formal methods, computer-aided system design, and cyber-physical systems. The overall goal of his research is to improve the design of software and systems in general, thereby resulting in systems that are both easier to build and safer to use.
Doctor Tripakis was Program Co-Chair of the 10th ACM & IEEE Conference on Embedded Software (EMSOFT 2010) and Program Co-Chair of the 9th International Conference on Formal Modeling and Analysis of Timed Systems (FORMATS 2011). He has been nominated and elected Secretary/Treasurer (2009–2011) and Vice-Chair (2011–2013) of ACM SIGBED (Association for Computing Machinery’s Special Interest Group on Embedded Systems).
Dr. Tripakis has over 130 publications. His H-index is 44.
Stavros Tripakis, Ph.D., has been appointed Professor of computer science at the Aalto University School of Science on 19 December 2016.
Quan Zhou (born 1968, China) received his D.Sc. (Tech.) degree in automatic control from Tampere University of Technology in 2004. He was a Professor at Northwest Polytechnical University, China during 2005–2008.
His main research interests are micro- and nanorobotic manipulation and automation methods, including microassembly methods using both robotics and self-assembly, acoustic and magnetic manipulation techniques, autonomous micromanipulation techniques, and their applications in electronics integration, materials characterization, and biomedical assays and therapy. The research is highly interdisciplinary, from micro- and nanoscale physics including surface sciences, mechatronics, to automation methods.
Quan Zhou was the coordinator of EU FP7 project FAB2ASM, the first PPP project of the European Economic Recovery Plan. He was the chair of IEEE Finland Joint Chapter of Control System Society, Robotics and Automation Society and Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society. Currently he is serving as the Topic Editor in Chief on micro- and nanorobotics for the International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems.
Quan Zhou, D.Sc. (Tech.), has been appointed Professor of automatic control at the Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering on 13 October 2016.