Defence of dissertation in the field of computational science, Arno Solin, M.Sc. (Tech.)
Stochastic Differential Equation Methods for Spatio-Temporal Gaussian Process Regression
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Arno Solin, M.Sc. (Tech.), will defend the dissertation "Stochastic Differential Equation Methods for Spatio-Temporal Gaussian Process Regression" on 8.4.2016 at 12 noon in Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, Espoo. In the dissertation, computationally efficient methods for modelling spatio-temporal data were developed. The work provides a link between mathematical models used in signal processing and machine learning, and gives means of using methods from one field in another.
Dissertation release (in Finnish)
Opponent: Professor Manfred Opper, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Custos: Professor Jouko Lampinen, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science
Electronic dissertation:
School of Science, electronic dissertations: