Efficient writing of the compiling part of an article dissertation

2016-04-18 12:15:00 2016-04-18 16:00:00 Europe/Helsinki Efficient writing of the compiling part of an article dissertation Lecture for doctoral candidates at Aalto University http://old.cs.aalto.fi/en/midcom-permalink-1e5d7068d096418d70611e5af64495e90d2775d775d Otaniementie 17, 02150, Espoo

Lecture for doctoral candidates at Aalto University

18.04.2016 / 12:15 - 16:00
in lecture hall TU1, Otaniementie 17, 02150, Espoo, FI

The lecture provides doctoral candidates with an understanding of writing an article dissertation effectively once the related articles have been written. The lecture will help doctoral candidates in understanding the role of the separate articles and the dissertation as a whole.

After the lecture doctoral candidates will know what is required from an article dissertation and how to reach the goal as efficiently as possible while maintaining high standards. Students will have a good perception of dissertation requirements and structure.


Please sign up here by 10 April

The lecture is organized by the School of Science but doctoral candidates from all Aalto University schools are welcome to attend.


  • Structure of an article dissertation
  • Perceiving the whole created by the articles
  • General quality requirements and forms of dissertations in the School of Science
  • Publication process
  • Optimal order of writing
  • Schedule for writing the compilation

Voluntary reference material (available at www.tinyurl.com/efficient-doctoral-studies):

Lecturer: Dr. Pekka Belt

Questions: Emma Holmlund, emma.holmlund@aalto.fi