Guest talk: 5G: History Repeating Itself?
Dr. Ir. Michael Peeters, Nokia Head of Innovation Portfolio Management CIOO/IS, will give a lecture “5G: History Repeating Itself?".
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Abstract: Every generation of mobile standards was designed with a specific target or killer app in mind. 5G will change this trend. In addition to offering an enhanced mobile broadband experience along with basic voice and messaging services it will enable operators to introduce a host of new revenue generating services. But, therein lays the conundrum: How should the industry prioritize the 60+ use cases in a way that will meet the strategic priorities of operators in different regions? We examine the impact of 5G use cases on deployment strategies and present a new approach to mapping use cases to the underlining requirements for network capabilities, describes how this approach may help individual mobile operators determine the right prioritization strategy for their strategic and market objectives, and concludes with considerations for 5G standardization efforts.
See Michael Peeters bio (pdf).