MSc Thesis Presentations 25.-28.1.2016
Pietari Kokko, Kiia Korpi, Tommi Simell, Jari Väätäinen, Karmen Dykstra
MSc Thesis Presentations on Mon 25 January 2016, A106 (CS Building):
14:00-14:30 Pietari Kokko
Topic: "Normalization of Pharmacokinetic / Pharmacodynamic Models Usin Depth of Anesthesia Monitoring"
Supervisor: Prof. Juha Karhunen
14:30-15:00 Kiia Korpi
Topic: "Käytettävyys roolipelin käsikirjoitusprosessissa"
Supervisor: Prof. Marko Nieminen
15:00-15:30 Tommi Simell
Topic: "The Role of User-Centred Design in Startup Companies’ Business and Product Development"
Supervisor: Prof. Marko Nieminen
MSc Thesis Presentation on Tue 26 January 2016, 3550 (TUAS-building):
14:00-14:30 Jari Väätäinen
Topic: "Muutostietojen mallintaminen paikkaontologioissa"
Supervisor: Prof. Eero Hyvönen
MSc Thesis Presentation on Thu 28 January 2016, A346 (CS Building):
14:00-14:30 Karmen Dykstra
Topic: "Predicting Protein Producibility: Binary classification of recombinant proteins produced in filamentous fungi"
Supervisor: Prof. Juho Rousu