Workshop on Machine Learning for Applied Physics
This local workshop is brought to you by the Centre of Excellence in Computational Nanoscience (COMP) and the Aalto Science Institute (AScI).
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AScI lounge (Aalto University, Otaniementie 17; TUAS building, 3rd floor)
Greeting Dr Laurson Lasse / Prof. Adam Foster
Coordinator of AScI thematic research program on Machine learning strategies for optimising frictional properties of materials
13:00-13:45 Prof. Patrick Rinke and his research team (Aalto University)
Topic: Research opportunity for Machine Learning in applied physics
Dr Torbjörn Björkman and his research team (Åbo Akademi)
Topic: Research opportunity for Machine Learning in applied physics
Coffee Break
Dr Filippo Federici Canova and Dr Martha A. Zaidan
Topic: Case study of machine learning for modelling friction process
Aalto Science Institute and COMP
Aalto University
Prof. Aki Vehtari and his research team
Topic: Machine learning methods
Probabilistic Machine Learning (AaltoPML)
Aalto University
Prof. Jukka Corander and his research team
Topic: Machine learning methods
Computational Inference Research (COIN)
University of Helsinki
Coffee + Discussion
Open discussion about machine learning for dealing with applied physics problems and potential collaborations.