The latest installation lectures available on video
21. maaliskuu 2017
Aalto University's newly tenured professors reveal the secrets of miniature robotics and optimizing human-computer interaction, among other things.
Science and art
Kaiku Health has helped over 20 000 patients
17. maaliskuu 2017
Financial weekly Talouselämä ranks Netmedi as one of Finland's 10 most promising startups.
Science and art Cooperation
AncestryAI algorithm traces your family tree back more than 300 years
16. maaliskuu 2017
The family tree algorithm automatically searches for a child's most probable parents and creates family trees based on this.
Science and art
Young Researcher Entrepreneur of the Year award to climbing wall developer
9. maaliskuu 2017
Raine Kajastila, a graduate of Aalto University, has developed a technology that transforms an ordinary climbing wall into a games platform. This has become a successful product and business.
Honored Science and art
Matchmaking is a key to Aalto alumni’s success
6. maaliskuu 2017
The semantic matching feature can be employed for networking and enhancing innovation ecosystems.
New algorithm identifies gene transfers between different bacterial species
24. helmikuu 2017
Gene transfers are particularly common in the antibiotic-resistance genes of Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria.
Press releases Science and art
Emotional expressions of love and loathing clearly differ in motions
22. helmikuu 2017
Social eMotions research project of Aalto University culminates in an interactive dance performance.
Science and art Press releases
Algorithm can create a bridge between Clinton and Trump supporters
16. helmikuu 2017
Twitter case study aims to minimize the controversies.
Science and art Press releases
Finland wants to be world’s number one in artificial intelligence
9. helmikuu 2017
Samuel Kaski, Professor in Machine Learning, who participated in Prime Minister Sipilä’s panel on artificial intelligence likes the challenge.
Science and art Other
Election candidates engage in battles also in social media
2. helmikuu 2017
An extensive analysis of online material showed that the voter is in danger of being forgotten when candidates have a go at each other.
Press releases Other
The smart crane and first research topics presented at the Industrial Internet Campus
27. tammikuu 2017
Research topics include high precision lifting and user identification.
Cooperation Science and art
Nokia’s newest network technology to the Industrial Internet Campus
23. tammikuu 2017
Nokia’s aim is to accelerate the adoption of IoT solutions by supporting collaboration that promotes innovation.
Scholarships for the most promising information security students
19. tammikuu 2017
F-Secure, Intel and Nixu partner with Helsinki-Aalto Center for Information Security HAIC in response to high demand for information security experts.
Press releases
Students develop new innovations for a smart crane
17. tammikuu 2017
Students and researchers develop new products and solutions at the Industrial Internet Campus using the open interfaces and data from the crane.
Cooperation Press releases
First students graduate from the Master’s Programme in Life Science Technologies
16. tammikuu 2017
The Master’s programme offers a host of interesting hands-on courses to choose from.
Artificial intelligence brings efficiency to processing pictures and sound
13. tammikuu 2017
Deep neural networks enable the opening of image layers and distinguishing between audio signals.
ELFI: Engine for Likelihood-Free Inference facilitates more effective simulation
4. tammikuu 2017
The Engine for Likelihood-Free Inference is open to everyone, and it can help significantly reduce the number of simulator runs.
Press releases
A new mutation mechanism was found in human and bacterial genomes
21. joulukuu 2016
The genome’s rapid mutation can affect the resistance of bacteria.
Science and art Press releases
Risto Sarvas receives School of Science teaching award
20. joulukuu 2016
Adjunct Professor Risto Sarvas from the Department of Computer Science is an inspiring and energetic teacher, who values his students.
Studies Honored
Riitta Katila named School of Science Alumna of the Year
19. joulukuu 2016
Professor Riitta Katila is an expert in corporate innovation activities, growth and development.
Honored Science and art Cooperation
Professor N. Asokan named an IEEE Fellow
15. joulukuu 2016
IEEE elevates Professor N. Asokan to the status of IEEE Fellow, the highest member grade of the institute.
Doctoral track takes Bachelor’s students directly into PhD studies
12. joulukuu 2016
The Doctoral track is available in three majors: Machine Learning and Data Mining, Bioinformatics and Complex Systems.
Aalto University becomes collaboration partner in the DARIAH network of digital arts and humanities
8. joulukuu 2016
In the Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities, it is possible to influence through working groups.
EEG reveals information essential to users
8. joulukuu 2016
For the first time, information retrieval is possible with the help of EEG interpreted with machine learning.
Science and art Press releases
The endless possibilities of digitalisation
2. joulukuu 2016
Recordings of the eight Internet Forum public lecture series of autumn 2016 lectures are available for viewing.
Science and art