Defence of dissertation in the field of computer science, Joonas Piili, M.Sc (Tech)

2017-12-08 12:00:00 2017-12-08 23:59:00 Europe/Helsinki Defence of dissertation in the field of computer science, Joonas Piili, M.Sc (Tech) Title of the dissertation: Single Polymer Dynamics in Confined Geometries: Capsid Ejection and Sedimentation Otakaari 3, 02150, Espoo

Title of the dissertation: Single Polymer Dynamics in Confined Geometries: Capsid Ejection and Sedimentation

08.12.2017 / 12:00
Lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, 02150, Espoo, FI

Joonas Piili, M.Sc. (Tech.), will defend the dissertation "Single Polymer Dynamics in Confined Geometries: Capsid Ejection and Sedimentation" on Friday 8.12.2017 at 12 noon in Aalto University School of Science, lecture hall F239a, Otakaari 3, Espoo. The dissertation studies the movement of polymers in confined geometries using coarse-grained computer simulation models. The focus is on studying capsid ejection from strong confinement and sedimentation of knotted polymers.


Dissertation Release (pdf, in Finnish)

Opponent: Professor Gary W. Slater, The University of Ottawa

Custos: Professor Jouko Lampinen, Aalto University School of Science, Department of Computer Science

Electronic dissertation: