AScI summer internship programme 2017 final seminar

2017-08-15 09:30:00 2017-08-15 12:30:00 Europe/Helsinki AScI summer internship programme 2017 final seminar You are cordially invited to see the presentations of this year's AScI summer interns. Otakaari 1, 02150, Espoo

You are cordially invited to see the presentations of this year's AScI summer interns.

15.08.2017 / 09:30 - 12:30
Top Lounge (U523), Otakaari 1, Otakaari 1, 02150, Espoo, FI

The interest in the Aalto Science Institute (AScI) international summer internship programme again reached a record high: a total of 303 applications were received to the 22 positions made available by the departments at SCI, ELEC and ENG schools. This represents an increase of almost 20% from the 253 applications received in 2016. From this pool of applicants, 15 interns were recruited and have been working with their respective research groups over the summer.

The interns will have their final seminar on Tue 15 August, starting at 09.30 am in the Top Lounge (U523, Otakaari 1). Please mark your calendars and come see the presentations: the event has every year been very informative and inspiring. Light refreshments provided (please register by emailing

For more information about the internship programme, see the AScI website at


Session 1
Chair: Prof. Mikko Alava

09:30 Eleonora Hochreiner: Synthesis of core-shell structures for advanced ceramic nanocomposite fuel cells
09:50 Johanna Hütner: Domain wall dynamics in ferromagnetic strips
10:10 Tobias Reisch: A step towards autonomous AFM experiments
10:30 Harshit Mahapatra: Improving PyBOSS: When machine learning meets material science!

10:50 Break (10 minutes)

Session 2
Chair: Dr Jaakko Järvinen

11:00 Jayesh Mahapatra: Molecular Database for Machine Learning and beyond
11:20 Dominic Potts: Pervasive Displays: an evaluation of content optimization using eye tracking
11:40 Aasheesh Singh: A Gaussian Process model for Visual Search in Menus
12:00 Arijus Pleska: Scalable Bayesian optimisation for intractable models