CS Forum: Eli Biham, Technion Haifa

2017-07-20 14:15:00 2017-07-20 15:00:00 Europe/Helsinki CS Forum: Eli Biham, Technion Haifa CS department's public guest lecture on 'How to make a difference: history of differential cryptanalysis'. The lecture is open to everyone free-of-charge. http://old.cs.aalto.fi/en/midcom-permalink-1e766009a0c639c660011e79d732d37188c10c710c7 Konemiehentie 2, 02150, Espoo

CS department's public guest lecture on 'How to make a difference: history of differential cryptanalysis'. The lecture is open to everyone free-of-charge.

20.07.2017 / 14:15 - 15:00
lecture room T3, Konemiehentie 2, 02150, Espoo, FI

Professor Eli Biham
Computer Science Department
Technion Haifa, Israel

Host: Prof. Kaisa Nyberg
Time: 14:15 (coffee at 14:00)
Venue: T3, CS building

How to make a difference: history of differential cryptanalysis


Professor Eli Biham is world renowned as an expert in cryptography and cryptanalysis, the invention and breaking of computer codes. These codes guard the billions of daily transactions, from the privacy of our email, cellular phones, and on-line banking to the security of nations.

Professor Biham is best known for breaking the Data Encryption Standard, the leading US and international encryption standard of the time, and for breaking the GSM cellular phones system, used around the world to secure calls on mobile phones, forcing cell-phone providers to strengthen encryption standards. He has also designed encryption codes that are being implemented in a variety of applications.

Previously, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. Educated at Tel Aviv University and the Weizmann Institute of Science, he has authored numerous professional papers and lectured at many professional conferences, has edited the "Journal of Cryptology," served as a director in the International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR), and has served on numerous professional committees including Israel national cyber initiative and standardization committees. Since 2012 he is an IACR fellow. He received the RSA award 2012, and holds the position of IACR distinguished lecturer 2013.