Computational Logic Day 2015 at Aalto CS Department
Come and hear presentations on the latest research in the area of computational logic in the second edition of CLD.
The goal of the Computational Logic Day is to bring together researchers working in all areas of computational logic and closely related topics, including but not limited to automated reasoning, logic-based knowledge representation, constraint programming and optimization, as well as applications. The event forms an end seminar for a 2-year mobility program between Aalto and University of Potsdam (funded by the Academy of Finland and DAAD Germany).
The second edition of CLD will take place at Aalto University, CS Building, lecture hall T2, on Tuesday the 8th of December, 2015, 10:00 - 16:00. There will be 10 presentations on the latest
research in the area of computational logic.
10:00-10:05 Welcome
10:05-12:00 Session I: Advances in Implementation
10:05-10:35 Grounding Recursive Aggregates, Roland Kaminski
10:35-11:00 Progress in clasp Series 3, Torsten Schaub
11:00-11:20 Answer Set Programming modulo Acyclicity, Jori Bomanson
11:20-11:40 Declarative Extension of SAT Solvers with New Propagators, Shahab Tasharrofi
11:40-12:00 Writing Declarative Specifications for Clauses, Tomi Janhunen
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-15:00 Session II: Applications
13:00-13:25 Solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Answer Set Programming, Max Ostrowski
13:25-13:50 Relational Interfaces and Refinement Calculus for Compositional System Reasoning, Viorel Preoteasa
13:50-14:00 Coffee Break
14:00-14:20 ASP Solving for Expanding Universes, Martin Gebser
14:20-14:40 Optimizing Phylogenetic Supertrees using Answer Set Programming, Emilia Oikarinen
14:40-15:00 Symmetry in SAT/ASP/CSP: Breaking the Right Symmetries, Bart Bogaerts
15:00-16:00 Informal Discusssions