MSc Thesis Presentations 16.-18.11.2015

2015-11-16 14:00:00 2015-11-18 17:00:00 Europe/Helsinki MSc Thesis Presentations 16.-18.11.2015 Niiranen, Trinh, Järvinen, Ruuskanen, Hirki, Kauppinen, Roshan, Perämäki, Udar, Tatiraju, Hirvesoo, Phan, Peltola, Lampi, Rihtniemi, Jun, Pitkänen Otakaari 2, 02150, Espoo

Niiranen, Trinh, Järvinen, Ruuskanen, Hirki, Kauppinen, Roshan, Perämäki, Udar, Tatiraju, Hirvesoo, Phan, Peltola, Lampi, Rihtniemi, Jun, Pitkänen

16.-18.11.2015 / 14:00 - 17:00

MSc Thesis presentations on Monday, 16 November 2015, A106 (CS Building) 

14:00 – 14:30  Heikki Niiranen 

Topic: "Analyzing the Impact of Software-Defined Video Networking to Broadcast Technology Business"

Supervisor: Prof. Antti Ylä-Jääski 


14:30 – 15:00 Dat Trinh 

Topic: "Tuotannonohjausjärjestelmän analyysi ja toteutus"

Supervisor: Prof. Lauri Malmi 


15:00 – 15:30  Vili Järvi 

Topic: "General Supply Chain Management Control Server for RFID applications"

Supervisor: Prof. Heikki Saikkonen


15:30 – 16:00  Joonas Ruuskanen

Topic: "Ubiquitous display content management"

Supervisor: Prof. Tuomas Aura


16:00 – 16:30  Mikael Hirki 

Topic: "Energy and performance profiling of scientific computing"

Supervisor: Prof. Jukka K. Nurminen


MSc Thesis Presentation Mon 16 November 2015, at 14-17, room 1593 (TUAS Building)

14:00 – 14:30 Aki Kauppinen

Topic: "Datan ja tietämyksen soveltaminen vaativassa tuotteen valinnassa - Case: Älykäs venttiilin valinta"

Supervisor: Prof. Tapani Raiko

Instructor: Mats Friman


MSc Thesis Presentation Tue 17 November 2015, at 14-17, room 3550: (TUAS Building)

14:00 – 14:30  Setareh Roshan 

Topic: "An online adaptive network intrusion detection system"

Supervisor: Prof. N. Asokan


14:30 – 15:00  Jussi Perämäki 

Topic: "Interactive Control of a Simulated Biker"

Supervisor: Assistant Prof. Perttu Hämäläinen


MSc Thesis Presentation Wed 18 November 2015, at 14-17, room A346 (CS Building)

14:00 – 14:30  Swapnil Udar 

Topic: "Contextual Authentication and Authorization using Wearable Devices"

Supervisor: Prof. N. Asokan


14:30 – 15:00  Praneeth Tatiraju 

Topic: "Management of Pervasive Displays"

Supervisor: Prof. Mario Di Francesco 


15:00 – 15:30  Uku Hirvesoo

Topic / Aihe: "Task Performance Measurement with Frame Rate Upconversion and Latency Compensation Using Image Based Rendering"

Supervisor: Assistant Prof. Jaakko Lehtinen


15:30 – 16:00  Maria Phan 

Topic: "A Design for a Web Application Programming Interface for a Customer Portal"

Supervisor: Prof. Eljas Soisalon-Soininen


16:00 – 16:30  Maria Peltola 

Topic: "Implementing reliability and redundancy in a time critical telecommunication system"

Supervisor: Prof. Heikki Saikkonen


16:30 – 17:00  Harri Lampi 

Topic: "Usability study: E-commerce admin panel"

Supervisor: Prof. Petri Vuorimaa


MSc Thesis Presentation Wed 18 November 2015, at 14-17, room 1593 (TUAS Building)

14:00 – 14:30  Pekka Rihtniemi 

Topic: "Laatuun vaikuttavat tekijät vanhuuseläkkeen verkkohakupalvelussa"

Supervisor: Prof. Martti Mäntylä


14:30-15:00 Jun Ma

Topic: "Issues in the Design and Implementation of a Web-based Platform for Supporting International R&D&I Cooperation: Case China - Finland Strategic ICT Alliance"

Supervisor: Prof. Martti Mäntylä


 15:00-15:30 Antti Pitkänen

Topic: "Agile transformation: A case study"

Supervisor: Prof. Casper Lassenius 

Instructor: Ville Heikkilä