CS Forum: Li Wang
Title: Socially Enabled Resource Allocation in Cellular Device-to-Device Underlay
Speaker: Li Wang, associate professor from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China.
Place: T2, CS Building, Konemiehentie 2
Hosted by Dr. Zhonghong Ou and Prof Antti
Abstract: The concept, in particular of, D2D cellular underlay is a specific mode of D2D spectrum utilization that allows D2D links to share spectrum potentially allocated to other cellular terminals. Such a co-channel spectrum utilization improves spectrum efficiency but requires delicate interference control and resource management. In this talk, we first discuss the basic resource matching problem for D2D resource sharing with existing cellular terminals with the ideal assumption of stable D2D links. Further, we demonstrate the socially enabled resource sharing
problem from various perspectives, and elaborate on the social interaction based admission policy for D2D links to guarantee a particular delivery success rate. Finally, we will discuss D2D secure transmission with social trustiness for cooperative jammer before providing some related open research problems.
Bio: Dr. Li (Liliane) Wang [S’08-M’14] currently serves as an associate professor in the School of Electronic Engineering, Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications (BUPT), where she leads the Lab of High Performance Computing and Networks. Prof. Wang received her PhD degree in 2009 from BUPT. She received 2013 Beijing Young Elite Faculty for Higher Education Award. From December 2013 to January 2015, she held a visiting research position at the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA. Currently, she is a visiting researcher of the department of signals and systems at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden. Her research interests include wireless networking, secure communications, device-to-device communication systems and peer-to-peer networks. Prof. Wang served on the Technical Program Committees of IEEE CCNC 2009, IEEE CCNC 2010, IEEE WCSP 2013, IEEE GLOBECOM 2014, IEEE WCNC 2015, IEEE ICC 2015, IEEE ICNC 2015, IEEE ICCC 2015, IEEE GLOBECOM 2015, IEEE ICNC 2016, IEEE ICC 2016, etc.