Master's Thesis presentations

Instruction for the Master’s Thesis presentation

During a thesis presentation occasion there is normally more than one presentation.
The habit is not to leave during other people's presentations. In the conference room
there is a television projector, network connection and a mark-pen board. You may
want to come a little bit earlier to check your connection and test your device (laptop
etc). If you need to borrow a laptop for your presentation please contact the person
you enrolled to.

The length of a presentation is 15 to 20 minutes. After the presentation 10 minutes is
reserved for discussion.

To get your professor’s signature after the presentation, please print out the form
“Presentation of the Master’s thesis” (Forms for Master's thesis).


Master's Thesis presentation days

Autumn 2018:

  • Tue 07.08.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A106 CS building

  • Thu 09.08.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A211 CS building
    - only for students whom are going to graduate in August
    Meetings of Study Council: week 34

  • Tue 11.09.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A106 CS building

  • Thu 13.09.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A211 CS building

  • Tue 18.09.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A346 CS building
    Meetings of Study Council: week 40 (CCIS week 41)

  • Tue 16.10.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A106 CS building
  • Thu 18.10.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A211 CS building
  • Tue 23.10.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A346 CS building
    Meetings of Study Council: week 45
  • Tue 13.11.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A106 CS building
  • Thu 15.11.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A211 CS building
  • Tue 20.11.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A346 CS building
    Meetings of Study Council: week 49 (CCIS week50)
  • Tue 11.12.2018, t 14-17, meeting room A211 CS building
  • Thu 13.12.2018, at 14-17, meeting room A346 CS building
    - only for students whom are going to graduate in January
    Meetings of Study Council: week 4?


Students agree on the time and place for the presentation with her/his Master's Thesis supervisor (prof.).

Enroll one week before test day to Tiina Hartikainen (tiina.hartikainen [at] aalto [dot] fi).

Students should also send the following information:
Topic of the Thesis (in language of the Thesis) and name of the Thesis supervisor (prof.) to Tiina Hartikainen (tiina.hartikainen [at] aalto [dot] fi).

Tiina Hartikainen makes the arrangements for the presentations.

Page content by: communications-cs [at] aalto [dot] fi (Department of Computer Science) | Last updated: 31.07.2018.