Competitive programming

Are you interested in programming contests and competitive programming? Do you want to become proficient in solving algorithmic problems?


Autumn 2017: "Competitive Programming", course code CS-E4590, periods I–II, 2–5 credits. The course meets on Saturdays in Otaniemi, Maari building.

Programming contests

Autumn 2017: "NCPC – Nordic Collegiate Programming Contest". This is an open Nordic programming contest organised in multiple sites, also at Aalto University in Otaniemi.

Autumn 2017: "NWERC – Northwestern Europe Regional Contest".

Spring 2018: "ACM ICPC World Finals".

Spring 2018: "HIIT Open Programming Contest", in Otaniemi.

Social media & discussion forums

To meet other students who are interested in competitive programming at Aalto University:

You can also subscribe to the mailing list contests-cs to receive news and updates related to programming contests and other events.

More information

Please contact us if you are interested in competitive programming and have any further questions:

Page content by: communications-cs [at] aalto [dot] fi (Department of Computer Science) | Last updated: 13.10.2017.